Use Case

ViralStyle is an online platform that allows users to create and sell custom-designed merchandise


ViralStyle Company Information


United States


React, Laravel, Angular JS


As a users create and sell custom-designed merchandise.

Client wants Redesign, the website and there followings reasons of that

We revamped ViralStyle's website, creating a visually stunning and user-friendly platform. The streamlined order placement, robust e-commerce functionality, and social media integration contributed to increased customer engagement, viral promotion, and significant sales growth. Mobile responsiveness expanded the reach and accessibility of the platform.

Client Requirements for ViralStyle Website Revamp

1. Modern and Engaging Design: Client sought a visually stunning website design that reflects their brand and attracts customers.
2. Streamlined Order Placement: Client desired a simplified and user-friendly ordering process for custom apparel and merchandise.
3. Seamless E-commerce Functionality: Client required a robust e-commerce platform to handle high volumes of orders and transactions.
4. Social Media Integration: Client requested integration of social media features for sharing and viral promotion of products.
5. Mobile Responsiveness: Client wanted the website to be optimized for mobile devices to cater to the growing mobile user base.

Overcoming Website Development Challenges for ViralStyle Revamp

1. Balancing Visual Appeal with Functionality: Striking the right balance between an attractive design and seamless user experience.
2. Handling High Volumes of Orders: Developing an e-commerce platform capable of efficiently managing a large number of orders and transactions.
3. Customization Options and Complexity: Creating a user-friendly interface for customers to customize products while ensuring ease of use.
4. Integrating Social Media Features: Incorporating social sharing and viral promotion functionalities seamlessly into the website.
5. Mobile Optimization: Ensuring the website is fully responsive and optimized for a wide range of mobile devices.

Project Study


Revamp Invicta Watch's website to enhance online presence and drive sales.

Design and User Experience

Develop a visually captivating and user-friendly interface.

Product Showcase

Create a comprehensive catalog showcasing Invicta watches with detailed information.

E-commerce Functionality

Implement a secure and efficient online shopping platform.

Mobile Responsiveness

Optimize the website for seamless browsing and purchasing on mobile devices.

Work Approach And Summary

Requirement Gathering

Understanding client goals and project scope.

Design and Development

Creating a visually appealing and user-friendly website.

E-commerce Integration

Implementing a robust e-commerce platform for seamless online transactions.

Testing and Launch

Thoroughly testing the website before launch to ensure functionality and user experience.

The Technology Used



Angular JS

Impacts And Benefits From Our Solution

1. Increased customer engagement and brand visibility through a visually appealing website.
2. Streamlined ordering process resulting in improved customer satisfaction and increased sales.
3. Enhanced e-commerce functionality leading to efficient order management and transaction handling.
4. Social media integration facilitating viral promotion and wider reach.
5. Mobile optimization expanding accessibility and attracting mobile users.

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Modal Example